Our beloved studio, dedicated to create explosive games!

We are Evil Raptor, a tiny French independent studio founded in 2021. Comprised of 8 people, we are passionate about making games and sparking joy in people’s minds!

After the success following the release of Pumpkin Jack in 2020, we were able to create the studio and engage more people to work on our newest project, Akimbot!

First solo-dev project by Nicolas, the story of the evil Jack against the good!

Deeply inspired by childhood games and especially Jak & Daxter, Pumpkin Jack was created in the same vein to make people relive the nostalgia of the era.

The game, originally named Curse of the Scarecrow, was created in 4 years. After 3 years of hard work and learning, the game was completely rebooted and redone with all the experience learned from the prototypes, and became the Pumpkin Jack we all know.

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Current project we're working on, with robots and more!

The aim of this game, in the same vein of Pumpkin Jack, is to be reminiscent of class PS2 games such as Jak & Daxter and the universe of Ratchet & Clank.

Our goal is to create a dynamic experience, between an action movie and a video game. In two words :

Create the game a 10-years old child would imagine, and add tons of explosions to it.

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